Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Basil Hayden's Small Batch

Bourbon Review #7: Basil Hayden's Small Batch
Category: Go-to

Price: $35

Availability: Year Round, Everywhere

Proof: 80, 40% a.b.v.

Mashbill: double the percentage of rye (18% rye +) for a typical bourbon

Age: "Artfully Aged" This makes the Colonel laugh!  

Distillery: Kentucky Springs Distilling Co. Clermont Frankfort, KY (Owned by Jim Beam)

   The Colonel came home after a long day of work to find a quiet house. The kids had been put to bed, the lights were turned down, and I was glad to be able to finally relax. I walked into the kitchen to find a bottle of Basil Hayden's on the counter with a hand written note from the Colonel's wife. "Dear Colonel, Thanks so much for all your hard work. Love, The Colonel's wife, XXXXXOOOOO". 

     It’s the small surprises that make life interesting and fun. Well, that's how I came by my bottle of Basil Hayden's. In order to set the stage for this weeks review, let’s have a deeper look into this brand.
     The History: The Basil Hayden's bourbon brand is named in honor of Basil Hayden, Sr., who was a Maryland Catholic that led a group of twenty-five Catholic families from Maryland into what is now Nelson County, Kentucky (near Bardstown) in 1785. This area is home to many of the famous bourbon brands, including Jim Beam. There Hayden donated the land for the first Catholic Church west of the Alleghenies and the first Catholic Church in what is now the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

     Hayden was also a distiller. He used a larger amount of rye in his mash when compared to most other bourbons. Later, Hayden's grandson Raymond B. Hayden founded a distillery in Nelson County and named his label "Old Grand-Dad" in honor of his grandfather. The picture on the bottle was copied from a rendering of Basil Sr.'s likeness.

     Today: Basil Hayden’s Bourbon is a part of Jim Beam’s Small Batch collection, which includes Knob Creek Small Batch, Baker’s 107, and Booker’s. Basil Hayden’s is the lightest bodied and highest rye recipe of the four, with as much as double the rye grain content. It’s by far my favorite of the Jim Beam products in this line.

     Bourbon connoisseurs can get a little snobby when it comes to anything associated with the Jim Beam name. I think that this is a shame. Basil Hayden’s is a perfect example of a truly unique expression of bourbon. Honestly, I don’t have anything in my pantry that taste like it.   

     I define it as a top shelf, mass produced bourbon. It’s price has a high degree of fluctuation, ranging from the low 30’s to the low 40’s. For this reason, I have trouble determining its categorical placement. I have found that more often than not, it will range on the lower side of the spectrum. Thus, I have decided to list it as ”go-to” bourbon.


     Overall: This is a very interesting expression of bourbon due to the combination of low proof and high rye. If the proof were higher, it would smother the delicate notes, produced by the high rye content. The folks at Jim Beam really hit the bull's eye with this concept.

     It’s perhaps the most accessible bourbon I have ever tasted. It’s playful, dainty, feminine and yet complex. If you’re looking to expand your pantry, you should consider including a bottle of Basil Hayden’s. It’s very unique among other brands. Because of its accessibility, I would recommend it to folks who are newer to the bourbon world. The Colonel gives it a 7-8 out of 10! 



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